5 Brands That Use Palm Oil You Can Trust

Published on: June 9, 2020

(June 8, 2020) If you want to believe the media, you better stay away from palm oil. But when you dig a little deeper, you will learn that there is also good palm oil that is produced with respect for nature, people and animals. But how will you know that soap, peanut butter and snack brands are using this good palm oil? To make it easy for you I listed my five favorites. Five great brands that consciously choose to only use organic, sustainable and fair-trade palm oil.

Dr. Bronner’s

The majority of soap sold in your grocery store contains palm oil. It makes a bar soap solid and provides it lathering power. Did you ever wonder what palm oil is used for your favorite soap bar? It is important to choose a brand that uses sustainably produced palm oil. And this is exactly what Dr. Bronner’s chose to do. They use organic and fair-trade palm oil. They work with farmers and suppliers that protect the rainforest, improve soil and protect animals. And they receive a fair price for their good practices. This is all good soap. Enjoy!


Why is palm oil such an important ingredient for making the best quality nut butters and chocolate spreads?  Because it makes it smooth and easy to spread. Just the way we like it. My daughter loves it and makes a nut butter sandwich every day. And I make sure she has the best product available: Nutiva Organic Hazelnut Spread. Nutiva is the pioneer of plant-based superfoods. They make excellent and pure products that nourish us and the planet we all live on. This means they use organic palm oil that leaves forests and wildlife habitats untouched.  Products you can feel good about.

Hope Foods

The best dairy free dips? Look for Hope Foods dips in your grocery store: creamy and luscious. Hope Foods wants to revolutionize the fresh dip category by only using the best and tastiest ingredients, made with care for people and the environment. The palm oil they use for their Cashew and Almond dips is no exception: organic and fair-trade palm oil that contributes to local communities and protects the environment. Guilt-free dipping!

New Barn Organics

Did you ever check out the ingredient list on your margarine pack? Does it say what type of vegetable oils and fats is used? Usually not. Often manufacturers use palm oil to make their margarines but are not open about it. New Barn Organics is transparent about their palm oil use. And they go to great lengths explaining it to their consumers on pack as it is palm oil that ensures quality and great taste. The Buttery Spread is the newest products in their assortment. I think it is the best non-dairy butter I ever tried.  New Barn Organics’ mission? Make food essentials we can all trust: dairy-free, organic and delicious. Bon appetit!


Manufacturers of snacks – like potato chips, pretzels, crackers – are major users of palm oil. Great to munch but are you aware their products are often made with conflict palm oil? Goodfish takes a different approach. Their wild salmon skin snack has only just been launched and is already by far my favorite! Goodfish has developed their snack to perfection. They tried and tested to the max to get the perfect taste and crunch. They concluded that frying in palm oil delivers the quality they aim for. Their goal in finding a premier palm oil partner was clear: 100% organic, deforestation-free, wildlife friendly, fair & social. All good, so get cracking!

These five brands use palm oil for the best quality and taste. For them sustainable palm oil is the solution. And they don’t shy away from talking about it. When you choose brands that use sustainable palm oil, you contribute to a movement where everyone benefits.

Transparency around palm oil use in products is key. Our #sayitonthewrapper campaign is a call to action for brands and retailers to have an open conversation with their consumers on why they use palm oil in their products, and how they should transition to using only sustainable palm oil.

Written by Monique van Wijnbergen, Natural Habitat’s Sustainability & Corporate Communications Director and spokesperson for Palm Done Right. 


Why You Should Get Involved
with Palm Done Right

Palm can be grown for good, bringing benefits to:

  • Our planet, due to palm oil’s land efficiency.
  • Local communities, due to the economic development oil palm production creates.
  • Our market, due to palm oil’s versatility and functionality as an ingredient, lifting product quality and performance.

Together, we can influence change for:

  • Manufacturers that are still using conflict palm oil for their products.
  • Retailers that are still listing products that contain conflict palm oil.
  • Brokers and distributors that are still supplying their customers with products that contain conflict palm oil.
  • Shoppers that have the power to vote with their dollar.

Get Involved

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