Connect with Lard & Ashes’ here

Our dedication extends beyond crafting exceptional soaps. We are your trusted guides, helping you achieve radiant and healthy skin through our carefully curated ingredients and meticulous process. With us, you’ll embark on a remarkable journey that combines the beauty of nature with our passion.

Want to reveal your radiance? Choose Lard & Ashes!

Why Choose Palm Oil Done Right:

Being part of an organization like (PDR) helps us maintain the integrity of our products knowing that the ingredients are being sourced from good values shows respect for mother nature and the gifts that are provided to us by the planet Earth.

There is a Wrong way of doing things, and there’s a Right way. We choose Palm Done Right!

Find Palm Done Right in these products by Lard & Ashes

Why You Should Get Involved
with Palm Done Right

Palm can be grown for good, bringing benefits to:

  • Our planet, due to palm oil’s land efficiency.
  • Local communities, due to the economic development oil palm production creates.
  • Our market, due to palm oil’s versatility and functionality as an ingredient, lifting product quality and performance.

Together, we can influence change for:

  • Manufacturers that are still using conflict palm oil for their products.
  • Retailers that are still listing products that contain conflict palm oil.
  • Brokers and distributors that are still supplying their customers with products that contain conflict palm oil.
  • Shoppers that have the power to vote with their dollar.

Get Involved

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