We are different from most grocery stores. Everywhere in our organization, from markups to social justice practices, we continue to uphold our mission statement, one that is focused toward placing people over profits.
Our environmental and social justice daily practices include paying a fair price for organic food grown locally and markups for local goods lower than markups for goods from our distributors. This creates more sales, therefore, more people in our community eating local foods, a win-win for our local economy and the environment.
For products that must be grown out of our region, such as bananas, chocolate, and coffee, we prioritize fair trade, organic, and/or cooperative practices. This contributes to healthy, well-supported communities of farmers and producers throughout the world.
Inside of this section, we have compiled information about how we operate, sharing our start up story as a food buying club in the 70’s, through our growth into two store-fronts, and a complete outlay of our how we operate as a collective.
Palm can be grown for good, bringing benefits to:
Together, we can influence change for: